domingo, fevereiro 12, 2006

Miss Saigão...

Aqui vai a letra da música que falei no meu anterior post... trata-se de um dueto

I Still Believe

KIM: Last night I watched him sleeping,
my body pressed to him.
And then he started speaking.
The name I heard him speak was Kim...
Yes, I know that this was years ago,
but when moonlight fills my room I know
you are here, still.
I still
I still believe
you will return.
I know you will.
My heart against all odds
holds still.

Yes, still,
I still believe.
I know as long as I can keep believing,
I'll live.
I'll live,
love cannot die.
You will return,
you will return,
and I alone know why...

ELLEN: Last night I watched you sleeping.
Once more the nightmare came.
I heard you cry out something,
a word that sounded like a name.
And it hurts me more than I can bear
knowing part of you I'll never share,
never know.

But still
I still believe
the time will come
when nothing keeps us apart
My heart forever more holds still.
It's all over
I'm here,
there is nothing to fear
Chris, what's haunting you?
Won't you let me inside
what you so want to hide. I need you too!

KIM/ELLEN: For still
I will hold you all night
I will make it all right!
I still believe
You are safe with me!
As long as I
But I wish you would tell what you don't want to tell,
can keep believing I'll live!
what you hell must be I'll live,
You can sleep now.
you will return.
You can cry now.
And I know why I'm your wife now I'm yours for life

BOTH: Untill we die.

5 comentários:

Lis57 disse...

Linda letra. Obrigada por a teres partilhado connosco.

Boa semana

Shiazinha Star Eyes :) disse...

Olá Júnior:

Espero que esteja tudo bem contigo.
A letra é fantástica. Obrigado por a teres colocado aqui no Pedaços de Nós. Gosto muito dos posts que escreves.

Boa Semana, fica bem. :D*

Å®t Øf £övë disse...

Obrigado por partilhares a letra desta linda musica connosco.
Infelizmente eu ainda não consegui cumprir com a minha parte, e colocar a musica a tocar aqui no "Pedaços" para que todos a possam apreciar. Continuo com problemas no servidor, que continua a não me deixar alojar musicas. Vamos lá ver quando consigo resolver o problema. Até lá continuamos com esta musica, também linda, sugerida por ti.

Elsa disse...

Bonita letra... por ser em Inglês...
Se fosse em português íamos achá-la muito pieguinhas... LOL
Fico à espera da música.
beijos de boa semana

Å®t Øf £övë disse...

Consegui aceder ao servidor e colocar a tocar no "Pedaços" a musica que nos sugeres.